1. The Journal of Sustainable Product Design
This wonderful quarterly journal put out by The Centre for Sustainable Design not only stresses the importance of economic, environmental, ethical and social issues in product design and development but also the assessment of dematerialization and system changes. JSPD aims to initiate leading-edge thinking in eco-design and sustainable product development and design. It also provides a platform for organizations and individuals to discuss new solutions to complex issues surrounding sustainability.
2. Scarpa & Brooks Firm
Lawrence Scarpa sees strong solar architecture as the ultimate solution to the debate between the pros and cons of solar energy. While remodeling, Scarpa became a serious sustainability pioneer by reinforcing that solar panels should be treated as art objects. He later was a finalist in the 2003 World Habitat Awards for his inventions.
3. HOK
I love how HOK embraces their responsibility to advance sustainable design for every building type, geographic region and budget level. Their approach to sustainable designs includes limiting the consumption of resources, improving the building performance, and promoting health.
4. Sustainable Design Group
This very active group is devoted to helping you design buildings or renovate your home to make it as energy efficient and harmonious with the environment as possible. The designs try to incorporate nature and self sufficient in energy, water, waste and food production, with the use of solar, wind and biological cycles.
5. Syska Hennessy Group
The Syska Hennessy Group is well known for their work on the Santa Monica Library because of the sustainable mechanical, electrical, and plumbing that they added into the building. The library contains high efficiency lighting systems, underfloor air distribution, demand-controlled ventilation and many other features that make this library truly stand out of the ordinary. They strive to establish sustainability goals and to implement green building strategies.
6. American Society of Landscape Architects
This professional design group is committed to ecology based planning and design. They create landscapes that balance the needs of man and the environment while benefiting both. While trying to balance the needs they also plan to advance the theory of sustainable design in landscape architecture and planning.
7. Sustainable Suites Initiative
This partnership between the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, and the United States Botanic Garden to develop guidelines and standards for landscape sustainability. Their services provide climate regulation, clean air and water, and an overall improved quality of life.
8. Sustainable Web Design
Not only do we need environmental sustainability but we also need web design sustainability which is offered by the Sustainable Web Design Group. Their guideline is that the web should be an informative, lively place that includes as many individuals as are wiling to participate.
9. Solar Power
Solar power is more widely used now because it has become cheaper and people have figured out that it has no negative effect on our environment.
10. Geothermal Energy
This method of heating emits only minimal amounts of gases into the atmosphere making it a very reasonable source of energy. It actually keeps the water below ground above boiling point and the pressure from the heat causes it to stay in the liquid form underground. When the water is pumped out of the ground it reduces the pressure which causes the water to flash into steam and turn a turbine to generate the needed electricity.
One of the biggest challenges of sustainable design is blending it with architecturally appealing and interesting design. Would you rather live in a house without windows that may be more energy efficient or in a house with windows?