Sunday, March 2, 2008

Frvegetables Presentation Board

For about the past month we has been drawing patterns of our produce we selected, and below is my groups final drawings. Our group decided on the name Frvegetables because our produce consisted of both. My individual board title was "Eggstatic", Hanna's was "Five Star", Katrina's was "Nutty Professor" and Ben's was "Nirvana". We based our design around the concept of a seed branching out.

1 comment:

Today: In Seven said...

Hello, stumbled on your blog and thought that this was an interesting project. Good luck on your degree.

I have a blog ( where I ask people to leave me a comment about their day in seven words or less. You can do it anonymously. So are you up to it? If not, then keep blogging and have a great day.