Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Project 3: Bottle Cap Lampshade

17 March 2008
Our assignment was to make an everyday item out of used bottle caps. Today we got into partners and decided on our design for our object we would be making. Katrina & I decided on making a lamp shade for our design and below we have included the total steps and time it took to complete one lamp shade.

Step 1: Boiling the white and blue bottle caps

Step 2: Drilling holes through caps and tying them with old fishing line to a used coat hanger

Step 3: Glue down final ties and let dry!

19 March 2008
Today we presented our ideas to our teachers and got feedback for our final model. I think for our final model Katrina and I will make another lamp shade with only white and blue caps, and maybe some larger colorful caps. We will have to find a substitute for the glue we used but I think we will still use the used fishing line and possibly a used lamp shade wire instead of a coat hanger.

24 March 2008
Final Product

Terracycle will be very excited to see our idea for bottle cap lampshades because it is not hard to manufacture and will in the long run be good for the environment. Our lampshades will be able to be reused over and over again using the same materials or the materials can be recycled into different items.

Reuse bottle caps over and over again to make new lamp shades

Bottle Caps
Coat Hangers
Coccoina Almond Scented Paste: Eco-Friendly Glue
  • Nontoxic
  • Non-Solvent
  • Acid-Free
  • Tastes Of Marzipan

Tin Snips

Step 1: Separate top part of bottle cap from ring, using a dremel or tin snips

Step 2: Sand edges of bottle cap pieces
Step 3: Create lamp shade form with coat hanger
Step 4: Glue edges of bottle caps together forming lamp shade shape

Step 5: Bend bottle caps and connect with coat hanger in the middle


amishcar said...

Hey that lampshade looks cool. Great work and idea.

Unknown said...

Interesting project, however, advising people to use power tools to drill into their legs might not result in the desired outcome. Please consider using safe blogging.